e-Terminal allows you to enter transactions for orders done by e.g. phone, fax or post. Hereafter we explain how to manually enter transactions with the terminal in your ePDQ account.

1. Submit a new payment

To submit a new transaction, click on the “New Transaction” link via "Operations" in your ePDQ account menu. A voucher will be displayed in which you can enter the payment details.

To submit a new transaction, you will need to have an “Encoder” user profile at the very least (go to User Manager) .

1.1 Credit cards

There are several fields to complete. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.

The Beneficiary on the voucher is the Commercial company name you have entered in the administrative details of your account. If you haven’t entered a Commercial company name, we will display the (legal) Company name.

Field Description
Cardholder's name The cardholder's/customer's name
Card number* The expiry date embossed on the card
CVC* The Card Verification Code (or Card Verification Value) is an authentication procedure established by credit card companies to prevent fraudulent credit card use. The verification code can be a 3 or 4-digit code found on the front or the back of the card, an issue number, a start date or a date of birth. For more information, click the “What is this?” link.
Origin of the Transaction (ECI)

If necessary you can replace the ECI (Electronic Commerce Indicator) value with a transaction to indicate its origin.

A drop-down list contains the possible ECI values that can be entered into your voucher. The possible values are:

  • 1 Manually typed: Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) (card not present)
  • 2 Recurring payments, originating from MOTO
  • 3 Instalment payments
  • 7 E-commerce with SSL encryption
  • 9 Recurring after first e-commerce transaction

You can also configure a default ECI value in the "Global transaction parameters" tab on the Technical information page, in the "Default ECI value" section. The default value will be initialised in the voucher when you perform a new transaction.

Exception: when the default value you chose is "7 - E-commerce with SSL encryption", we will initialise "1 - Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO)" in the voucher.

It is possible to change the (default) initialised value in the voucher.

Description This field allows you to enter a description of the order for your own internal use. This description is neither transmitted to ePDQ nor to the customer. It can be found on the Order Detail page.
Order reference

You may enter a reference for your order. It will be transmitted to ePDQ. The maximum length for this order reference depends on ePDQ. You may request ePDQ to include his order reference in the transactions reports (if it is not longer than the maximum length set by ePDQ). Generally it doesn't appear on the customer's pay slip.

Check on unique order reference

By default, you are free to use the same order reference multiple times, without warning.

However, if you want to work with unique order references for your transactions, and you'd like our system to monitor this for you, we can enable a dedicated option in your account.

Please contact our ePDQ Support if you want this option activated for your account.

Currency This is the currency defined for the settlement account. If you have chosen several currencies, a drop-down box will appear.
Total Transaction amount
Operation code The payment procedure you have configured in Technical Information > Global transaction parameters > Default operation code will define your default transaction operation. If you select a different operation code here, this will overwrite the default value.

Possible values for new orders:
  • VEN-Data capture (payment): request for direct sale (payment)
  • RES-Authorisation: request for authorisation
  • PAU-Pre-authorisation: request for pre-authorisation
    In agreement with your acquirer you can use this operation code to temporarily reserve funds on a customer's card. This is a common practice in the travel and rental industry.
    Pre-authorisation can currently only be used on MasterCard transactions and is supported by selected acquirers. This operation code cannot be set as the default in your ePDQ account.
    Should you try to pre-authorise transactions via acquirers or with card brands that don't support pre-authorisation, these transactions will not be blocked but processed as normal authorisations.

This field is not available by default. Please contact our ePDQ Support.

Additional customer information:

Field Description
First name Customer's first name
Name Customer's surname
Address Line 1 Customer address (not to be confused with delivery address, see below)
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Email address Customer's email address
Language Customer's language
Phone number Customer's telephone number

Additional Delivery information (Note: ticking the box "Copy the billing address into the shipping address" will automatically fill in the following fields):

Field Description
First name First name of the delivery contact person
Name Surname of the delivery contact person
Address Line 1 Delivery address
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Email address Email address of the delivery contact person
Language Language of the delivery contact person
Phone number Telephone number of the delivery contact person

Field Description
Client email

The customer’s email address if you would like our system to send an automatic email (standard email whose contents cannot be changed) to your customer notifying him that the transaction has been registered. This field will only be displayed if you have activated the option in the "Transaction e-mails" tab, on the Technical information page, in the "E-mails to the customer" section.

You can select the language of your customer in the drop down box next to the field.

Once you’ve completed the necessary payment details, you can send your transaction by clicking the “Submit” button.

Credit card information is very sensitive information. Do not store credit card details unless you are sure you comply with the PCI (Payment Card Industry) rules.

2. Transaction feedback

2.1 On-screen

A few seconds after you've submitted the request, the transaction response will be displayed in the voucher.

2.1.1 Credit-cards

If your payments are processed online (immediately in real time), you will see the following supplementary information in addition to the details you entered in the previous dialogue:

Payment reference The payment reference code assigned by our system, also called the “PAYID”.
Date The date and time when the payment was authorised by ePDQ.
Authorisation code Code returned by ePDQ.
Operation Code Operation code for the transaction. The operation code indicates an authorisation or a sale, depending on the payment procedure you selected in the "Global transaction parameters" tab on the Technical information page, in the "Default operation code" section.

If your payments are processed offline (scheduled in batch mode), you will receive a confirmation (voucher) that your transaction has been registered after the payment has been submitted. Above the voucher, you will see a message stating that you are working offline and requesting you to check the status of the payment later.

In addition to the details you entered in the previous screen, you’ll also see our payment reference code and the order date, but no authorisation code, as the payment is processed offline (at a later time).

2.2 Back office

You can always invoke the transaction results your account back office. When you're logged in, click the “Financial history” link or the "View transactions" link in the "Operations" menu, enter your selection criteria and view the result list.

If you use more than one transaction submission mode, you will see that transactions in the different modes are all bundled into a single list without any distinction between the different modes.

In the “encoded by” field of the “Orders” page, you can see which user has entered the transaction. If a user has been set up with the “Scope limited to user” flag, he can only analyse transactions he has entered himself (go to User Manager) .

2.3 E-mail

You can receive a payment confirmation e-mail from our system for each transaction. You can configure this option in the "Transaction e-mails" tab on the Technical information page, in the "E-mails to the merchant" section.

3. Advanced options for credit cards

3.1 Alias

If you would like to use a transaction alias via e-Terminal, you must first click the Alias link in your ePDQ account menu, look up the Alias you want to use and click the "Use" button in the Alias row. You will see the voucher with the card holder's name, card number and expiry date already initialised. For further information, please refer to the Alias documentation.

3.2 Group

If you access your ePDQ account via a Group login, you must first use the “Other merchant” link in the menu of your ePDQ account to select the PSPID for which you want to enter a transaction. After you have selected the PSPID, the “New Transaction” link will appear in the "Operations" menu and you can proceed with the transaction.

4. Optional: Visa/MasterCard Additional Authorisation Data

For ePDQ Essential, ePDQ Extra & ePDQ Extra Plus

In order to reduce fraud, Visa has introduced additional transaction authorisation fields for any UK merchant defined as a Financial Institution. These fields must be submitted as part of any authorisation request submitted via the ePDQ e-Terminal.

Current fraud detection tools may not give card issuing banks sufficient information to validate transactions in this business sector. With this additional data, issuers are able to make a more informed decision.

To comply with these requirements you need to enter values into the following additional ‘Recipient’ fields for each Visa transaction you process. These fields appear in the New Transaction screen, below the existing card detail fields:


Format Example
Recipient surname

Alpha / 6 char.

If you enter a value longer than 6 characters, we only pass the 6 first characters.

"Day-O’Reilly" -> "DAYORE"

Recipient postcode

AlphaNum / 6 char.

You must only enter the first part of the postcode, up to space (e.g. 3 or 4 digits)

"MK4 " -> "MK4"
"MK46 " -> "MK46"

Recipient account number

AlphaNum / 10 char.

If you enter a number longer than 10 characters, we only pass the 6 first digits + the last 4 digits.

"12345ABCDZ6789" -> "12345A6789"
Recipient DOB
(date of birth)

DD/MM/YYYY / Num. / 10 char.

Division slashes must be entered.

Our system will convert the date as follows: YYYYMMDD

"02/03/1982" -> "19820302"

Note: If special characters, other than a space, ' (apostrophe), * (asterisk), $ (dollar sign), / (forward slash) or - (dash) are inserted in a field, the whole field content will be emptied automatically when submitted.


When setting up your account, Barclaycard will ensure that it is enabled to support these additional fields. If the fields are not available to you and you believe that this Visa requirement applies to your business, then please contact us at epdqsupport@barclaycard.co.uk.

If enabled, the following flag should be visible in the Visa/MasterCard configuration page of your ePDQ account:


In your ePDQ account menu, you can easily lookup your transactions by choosing "Operations" and then clicking either "View transactions" or "Financial history", depending on the type of transaction results you're looking for.

Go to Consult your transactions for more information.

By default you can send goods or deliver your service once a transaction has reached the status "9 - Payment requested". However, although status 5 is a successful status, it's only a temporary reservation of an amount of money on the customer's card. A transaction in status 5 still needs to be confirmed (manually or automatically) to proceed to the status 9, which is the final successful status for most payment methods.

Go to Transaction statuses for more information.

You can easily refund a payment with the "Refund" button in the order overview of a transaction (via View transactions). If your account supports it, you can also make refunds with a DirectLink request or with a Batch file upload (for multiple transactions).

Please note that the Refunds option has to be enabled in your account.

Go to Maintain your transactions for more information.

If you want to check specific details of an order/transaction or perform maintenance on transactions, you should use View transactions. "Financial history" is the most convenient to periodically check incoming and outgoing funds.

For more information, go to View transactions vs Financial history.

You can only perform refunds on transactions for which the funds have already been transferred to your bank account. A cancellation or deletion can be done before a payment has been fully processed, i.e. before the daily cut-off time at the acquirer, at which point all transactions of the previous day are processed.