1. Configuration
Go to "Electronic reporting" in your ePDQ Account:
- On account (PSPID) level: Select "Operations" and choose "Electronic reporting" in the sub-menu.
- On user (USERID) level:
- Select "Advanced" and choose "Users" in the sub-menu.
- Click "Edit" for the specific user.
- Select "Electronic Reporting for this User" at the bottom of the page in the User's Data overview.
You can select your preferred file structure and file format for the reports.
You can define the file structure and format for each user. When you configure the electronic reporting parameters for a user, this configuration will be applied to all reports set up by this user.
Specific fields will be returned in your report, depending on the file structure.
You can choose one of the following file structures:
- Standard
- Extended
- Dynamic
- File Management
You can also choose between the following return formats:
- Fixed-length
- Delimited
2. Steps
Execute the following steps to download formatted files with transaction information:
- Define the file format and structure on the Electronic reporting page.
- Use the Financial history, View transactions and View files options to select the required information.
- Click on the "Download" button.
Customise the output of your downloaded files with the following criteria:
- The structure defines the data and the position of the various selected payments.
- The format defines the output data format.
- The "Sort by" specifications allow you to group your data according to certain values.
- The Additional options help you to adapt the payment records' display.
3. Structure
Obtain the data by using one of the following structures:
- Standard
- Extended
- Dynamic
- File Management
Each structure has a different number (and position) of fields in the selected payments.
These fields are described in the data dictionary which includes the XML tag name, size, format and description.
3.1 Common Fields
XML Tags | Description |
ID | Payment reference |
REF | Merchant's reference |
ORDER | Order date |
STATUS | Status |
LIB | Status description |
ACCEPT | Authorisation code from acquirer |
3.2 Standard
Financial history, View transactions:
XML Tags | Description |
See Common Fields ... | |
PAYDATE | Payment date |
CIE | Company |
NAME | Invoicing name |
COUNTRY | Buyer's invoicing country (optional) |
TOTAL | Amount |
CUR | Currency |
SHIP | Delivery costs (optional) |
TAX | Taxes (optional) |
METHOD | Payment methods |
BRAND | Card type |
CARD | Card number |
STRUCT | Structured communication (optional) (e.g. for Net banking payments) |
Financial history (Download Summary):
XML Tags | Description |
METHOD | Payment methods |
BRAND | Card type |
OWNER | Cardholder's name |
CARD | Card number |
PAYDATE | Payment date |
STATUS | Status |
LIB | Status description |
TOTAL | Amount |
CUR | Currency |
NBPAY | Number of transactions |
BATCHREF | Batch Reference |
View files (selection page):
XML Tags | Description |
MERCHREF | Merchant's reference |
DATE | File date |
STATUS | Status |
OPERATION | File Operation |
NBPAY | Number of transactions |
TRANSACTION | Transaction code |
3.3 Extended
For the View files (selection page) and the Financial history (summary), please refer to the Standard structure.
Financial history, View transactions:
XML Tags | Description |
See Common Fields ... | |
NCID | Transaction code (NCID) |
NCSTER | Transaction state |
PAYDATE | Payment date |
CIE | Company |
FACNAME1 | Invoicing name, line 1 |
FACNAME2 | Invoicing name, line 2 (optional) |
FACSTREET1 | Invoicing address, line 1 (optional) |
FACSTREET2 | Invoicing address, line 2 (optional) |
FACZIP | Invoicing postcode/ZIP (optional) |
FACTOWN | Invoicing city (optional) |
COUNTRY | Buyer's invoicing country (optional) |
DELNAME1 | Delivery name, line 1 (optional) |
DELNAME2 | Delivery name, line 2 (optional) |
DELSTREET1 | Delivery address, line 1 (optional) |
DELSTREET2 | Delivery address, line 2 (optional) |
DELZIP | Delivery postcode/ZIP (optional) |
DELTOWN | Delivery city (optional) |
DELCOUNTRY | Delivery country (optional) |
TOTAL | Amount |
CUR | Currency |
SHIP | Delivery costs (optional) |
TAX | Taxes (optional) |
METHOD | Payment methods |
BRAND | Card type |
CARD | Card number |
Structured communication |
FILEID | Transaction uploaded via file |
ACTION | Last action (Financial history) |
TICKET | Virtual Ticket (Financial history) |
PSPID | PSPID (for Merchant group users) |
DESC | Description |
3.4 Dynamic (new extended format)
This structure contains optional fields. A detailed level is available for Purchasing, Merchant Assistant or Travel.
XML Tags | Description |
See Common Fields ... | |
NCID | Transaction code (NCID) |
NCSTER | Transaction state |
PAYDATE | Payment date |
CIE | Company |
FACNAME1 | Invoicing name, line 1 |
COUNTRY | Buyer's invoicing country (optional) |
TOTAL | Amount |
CUR | Currency |
METHOD | Payment methods |
BRAND | Card type |
CARD | Card number |
EXPDATE | Exp. date |
STRUCT | Structured communication (e.g. for Net banking payments) |
FILEID | Transaction uploaded via file |
ACTION | Last action (Financial history) |
TICKET | Virtual Ticket (Financial history) |
DESC | Description |
SHIP | Delivery costs (optional) |
TAX | Taxes (optional) |
USERID | User |
PSPID | PSPID (for Merchant group users) |
REFID | Entity |
REFKIND | Entity type |
ECI | Electronic Commerce Indicator (Origin of the transaction (ECI)). |
CCCTY | Card-issuing country |
IPCTY | IP address country |
CVCCHECK | Card Validity Code Check |
AAVCHECK | Automatic Address validity Check |
VC | Virtual Card type |
BATCHREF | Batch Reference |
For the "Dynamic" structure, these fields can be added at the end of the structure.
List of available fields on the "Electronic reporting" page:
XML Tags | Description | Note | |
FACNAME2 | Invoicing name, line 2 | Available with "View transactions" | |
FACSTREET1 | Invoicing address, line 1 | Available with "View transactions" | |
FACSTREET2 | Invoicing address, line 2 | Available with "View transactions" | |
FACZIP | Invoicing postcode (ZIP) | Available with "View transactions" | |
FACTOWN | Invoicing city | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELNAME1 | Delivery name, line 1 | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELNAME2 | Delivery name, line 2 | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELSTREET1 | Delivery address, line 1 | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELSTREET2 | Delivery address, line 2 | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELZIP | Delivery postcode (ZIP) | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELTOWN | Delivery city | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELCOUNTRY | Delivery country | Available with "View transactions" | |
DELDOB | Delivery date of birth | ||
TELNO | Phone number | ||
REF1 | Customer reference (Ref.1) | Available with "View transactions" | |
REF2 | Customer reference (Ref.2) | Available with "View transactions" | |
REF3 | Customer reference (Ref.3) | Available with "View transactions" | |
REF4 | Customer reference (Ref.4) | Available with "View transactions" | |
OWNER | Cardholder's name | Available with "Financial history" and "View transactions" | |
E-mail address | Available with "View transactions" | ||
ALIAS | Alias | Available with "Financial history" and "View transactions" | |
SCORING | Scoring | Only for the 'Fraud detection module' with 'Scoring', otherwise not present. Available with "Financial history". | |
SCO_CATEGORY | Scoring category | Only for the 'Fraud detection module' with 'Scoring', otherwise not present. Available with "Financial history". | |
FDMA_SCORING_CATEGORY | FDMA Scoring category | ||
EXPERT_SCORING_CATEGORY | Fraud Expert Scoring Category | ||
IPADDR | Request's IP address | ||
REC_IPADDR | Received IP address | ||
OPEDESC | Reason for the operation | ||
BINCARD | Card BIN number | ||
CARDUNIQUEID | Card unique identifier | ||
ORDERDATETIME | Payment dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss | ||
PAYDATETIME | Payment dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss | ||
CREDITDEBIT | Show credit/debit split information | ||
DEVICE | Device | Available with : "View transactions" | |
TO_MOBILEMODE | Mobile mode | Available with : "Financial history","View transactions" | |
XF_BIC | BIC/Sort code | ||
XF_MANDATEID | Mandate ID | ||
XF_SIGNDATE | Sign date (yyyymmdd) | ||
XF_SEQUENCETYPE | Sequence type | ||
DFP_DEVICEID | Displays the fingerprint of the device (computer, mobile,…) used in the transaction | Available only for merchants who have the InAuth device fingerprint option | |
DFP_RISK_LEVEL_CATEGORY | The risk level associated with the device fingerprint. Format: 1=Low risk 2=Medium risk, suspicious 3=High risk |
Available only for merchants who have the InAuth device fingerprint option | |
AS_FRAUD_TYPE | Transactions that are classified as "dispute" by a merchant or an acquirer | Actual Fraud (FRA), Suspicion of Fraud (SOF) or Commercial Dispute (COM) are also included in the list |
The "WithDetail" flag can be selected on the "Electronic reporting" page.
3.4.1 Travel details
XML Tags | Description |
ID | Payment reference (Details) |
TINUM | Ticket number |
TIDATE | Ticket Date |
CONJTI | Conjunction Ticket |
PASNAME | Passenger Name |
ORCITY | Departure Airport (Cod.) |
DESTCITY | Arrival Airport (Cod.) |
ORCITYL | Departure Airport |
DESTCITYL | Arrival Airport |
CARRIER | Carrier Code |
BOOKIND | Booking Indicator |
FLNUM | Flight Number |
FLDATE | Flight Date |
CLASS | Airline Class |
STOPOV | Stopover |
VATAPPL | VAT applicability |
TYPCH | Type of Charge |
AIRTAX | Airport Taxes |
EYCD | Destination area code |
IRST | Destination area code (Typ.) |
CHDETL | Charge Details |
3.4.2 Merchant Assistant details
XML Tags | Description |
ID | Payment reference (Details) |
ITEMNO | Item ID |
ITEMNAME | Item name |
QUANTITY | Quantity |
UNITNETPRICE | Item price (excl. VAT) |
CUR | Currency |
LIDREF1 | Item Reference (1) |
LIDREF2 | Item Reference (2) |
LIDNETAMT | Price (excl. VAT) |
LIDTAXRATE | VAT rate (%) |
LIDGROSSAMT | Price (incl. VAT) |
3.5 File Management
For the View files (selection page) and the Financial history (summary), please refer to the Standard structure.
Financial history, View transactions:
XML Tags | Description |
TOTAL | Amount |
CUR | Currency |
BRAND | Card type |
CARD | Card number |
EXPDATE | Exp. date |
REF | Your file reference |
NCID | Transaction code (NCID) |
ID | Payment reference |
STATUS | File status |
LIB | Status description |
ACCEPT | Authorisation code from acquirer |
PAYDATE | Payment date |
ACTION | Last action (Financial history) |
TICKET | Virtual Ticket (Financial history) |
PSPID | PSPID (Only when connected as a Merchant Group user) |
DESC | Description |
3.6 Format
Each record corresponds to a payment. The output formats are:
- XML: Each field describing the payment is available as a property of the <PAYMENT> tag;
- Fixed Length: each field has a fixed size as described in the various structures above.
- Delimited along with a separator: Each field of a payment record is separated by the specified separator (T for tab-delimited). If a value contains the separator, it will be replaced with a space in the download field, in order to avoid mismatches.
3.7 Sort by
After selecting the structure and format, you can also group your payments according to the value of the selected fields. You can choose up to 3 fields to create groups and sub-groups on 3 levels.3.8 Name and Format of Downloaded File
You can specify the name and the extension of the downloaded file. In the file name, you cannot use specials characters like [/ . \ : * ? | < > "]
You can include dynamic parameters in the filename:
- [DATE] for the previous date of the processed file
- [FILEDATE] for the date of the processed file
- [TIME] for the time of the processed file
Example: File[DATE]_[TIME] will be converted to File20111025_16134.
In the extension field, you can use any file extension with 3 characters. Specifying * in this field means that the extension will be derived from the file format:
- '.xml' for XML
- '.csv' for semicolon delimited values
- '.txt' for Fixed-length or tab-delimited
3.9 Additional options
- Header box: to make your data more readable or 'no headers' to keep only the relevant data.
- Decimal Separator: to use in the download format [, or .].
- With column header: to have the name (i.e. the XML Tag name) of each field on the line before the first payment (only applicable for FIX and DEL formats).
- With Details: for merchants with Travel, Merchant Assistant or Purchasing details (only applicable for DYN format).
4. Data dictionary
Fields are sorted in ascending XML tags; for the field position; refer to Structure.
XML Tags | Description | Format, max length | Example | |
AAVCHECK | Automatic Address Validity Check |
AN, 2: NO, OK, KO |
"NO" | |
ACCEPT | Authorisation code from acquirer | AN, 12 | "646602" | |
ACTION | Last action | AN, 3: RES, VEN, RFD, etc. | "VEN" | |
AIRTAX | Airport taxes | AN, 8 ("Travel" only details) | "5.00" | |
ALIAS | Alias | AN, 50 | "Client55521" | |
BATCHREF | Batch reference | AN, 20 | "932" | |
BOOKIND | Booking indicator | AN, 2 ("Travel" only details) | "CL" | |
BRAND | Card type | AN, 25 | "VISA" | |
CARD | Card number | AN, 20: first 6 and last 2 digits | "411111-XXXXXXXX-11" | |
CARRIER | Carrier code | AN, 4 ("Travel" only details) | "SN" | |
CCCTY | Card-issuing country | AN, 2: BE, FR, NL, UK, .etc. | "BE" | |
CHDETL | Charge details | AN, 50 ("Travel" only details) | "NO" | |
CIE | Company | AN, 50 | "ABSSYS Consulting S.A." | |
CLASS | Airline class | AN, 15 ("Travel" only details) | "B" | |
CLIENTID | ClientID | AN, 41 | "CLIENT 5554" | |
CONJTI | Conjunction ticket | AN, 3 ("Travel" only details) | "NO" | |
COUNTRY | Buyer's invoicing country | AN, 35: BE, FR, NL, UK, etc. | "BE" | |
CUR | Currency | AN, 3 | "EUR" | |
CVCCHECK | Card Validity Code Check | AN, 2: NO,OK,KO | "NO" | |
DATE | File date | AN, 10: dd/mm/yyyy | "18/3/2004" | |
DELCOUNTRY | Delivery country | AN, 35: BE, FR, NL, UK, etc. | "UK" | |
DELNAME1 | Delivery name, line 1 | AN, 35 | "Mechelynck" | |
DELNAME2 | Delivery name, line 2 | AN, 35 | "Harold" | |
DELSTREET1 | Delivery address, line 1 | AN, 35 | "Bracken Place, 1" | |
DELSTREET2 | Delivery address, line 2 | AN, 35 | "Box 25" | |
DELTOWN | Delivery city | AN, 25 | "Southampton" | |
DELZIP | Delivery postcode (ZIP) | AN, 10 | "SO16 3RB" | |
DESC | Description | AN, 100 | "FAC 2004 04 25783-95628 EU" | |
DESTCITY | Arrival Airport (Cod.) | AN, 5 ("Travel" only details) | "BRU" | |
DESTCITYL | Arrival Airport | AN, 20 ("Travel" only details) | "Brussels National A." | |
ECI | Electronic Commerce Indicator (Origin of the transaction (ECI)). | AN, 2 | "2" | |
Email address | AN, 20 | "" | ||
EXP | Exp. date | AN, 7: MM/YYYY | "02/2006" | |
EXPDATE | Expiry date (mm/yyyy) | AN, 5 | "02/06" | |
EYCD | Destination area code | AN, 3 ("Travel" only details) | "DES" | |
FACNAME1 | Invoicing name, line 1 | AN, 35 | "Mechelynck" | |
FACNAME2 | Invoicing name, line 2 | AN, 35 | "Harold" | |
FACSTREET1 | Invoicing address, line 1 | AN, 35 | "Bracken Place, 1" | |
FACSTREET2 | Invoicing address, line 2 | AN, 35 | "Box 25" | |
FACTOWN | Invoicing city | AN, 25 | "Southampton" | |
FACZIP | Invoicing postcode (ZIP) | AN, 10 | "SO16 3RB" | |
FILEID | Transaction uploaded via file | AN, 15: "File"/"line") | "83259/322" | |
FLDATE | Flight date | AN, 8 ("Travel" only details) | "25/08/04" | |
FLNUM | Flight number | AN, 4 ("Travel" only details) | "125" | |
ID | Payment reference (detail) | AN, 14 | "90880/1/D" | |
ID | Payment reference | N, 12 (xxxx/xxx : Financial history) | "90880/1" | |
IPCTY | IP address country | AN, 2 | "UK" | |
IRST | Destination area code (Typ.) | AN, 1 ("Travel" only details) | "" | |
ITEMNAME | Item name | AN, 50 (CPC/MAS only details) | "Pencil Black" | |
ITEMNO | Item ID | AN, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) | "PBHB2C" | |
LIB | Status description | AN, 35 | "Payment Requested" | |
LIDDISCOUNTRATE | Discount | N, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) | "10" | |
LIDGROSSAMT | Price (incl. VAT) | N, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) | "12.50" | |
LIDNETAMT | Price (excl. VAT) | N, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) | "10.01" | |
LIDREF1 | Item reference (1) | AN, 50 (CPC/MAS only details: Category, etc.) | "Common Furnitures" | |
LIDREF2 | Item reference (2) | AN, 50 (CPC/MAS only details) | "50 Pieces" | |
LIDTAXRATE | VAT rate (%) | AN, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) | "19.6" | |
MERCHREF | Merchant's reference | AN, 50 | "TESTFILE4" | |
METHOD | Payment methods | AN, 25 | "CreditCard" | |
NBPAY | Number of transactions | N, 12 | "2" | |
NCID | Transaction code (NCID) | AN, 10 | "11933738" | |
NCSTER | Transaction state | AN, 14: State/ErrorID | "3/31081001" | |
OPERATION | File Operation | AN, 3: SAL, SAS, DEL, AUT, etc. | "SAL" | |
ORCITY | Departure Airport (Cod.) | AN, 5 ("Travel" only details) | "OSL" | |
ORCITYL | Departure Airport | AN, 20 ("Travel" only details) | "Oslo Airport" | |
ORDER | Order date | AN, 10: dd/mm/yyyy | "18/3/2004" | |
OWNER | Cardholder name | AN, 35 | "Frederic" | |
PASNAME | Passenger name | AN, 50 ("Travel" only details) | "M/A H.Mechelinck" | |
PAYDATE | Payment date | AN, 10: dd/mm/yyyy | "18/3/2004" | |
PSPID | PSPID | AN, 20 | "AbssysTest" | |
QUANTITY | Quantity | AN, 8 (CPC/MAS only details) | "3" | |
REF | Merchant's reference | AN, 15 | "FAC2004-0425783" | |
REF | Your file reference | N, 10 | "3081" | |
REF1 | Customer reference (Ref.1) | AN, 20 | "12/25" | |
REF2 | Customer reference (Ref.2) | AN, 35 | "CR666548" | |
REF3 | Customer reference (Ref.3) | AN, 20 (CustNo, etc.) | "CN100254" | |
REF4 | Customer reference (Ref.4) | AN, 20 (Cost Centre, etc.) | "CC125" | |
REFID | Entity | AN, 35 | "ABSSYSTST" | |
REFKIND | Entity type | AN, 6 (MGID, PSPID, etc.) | "PSPID" | |
SCORING | Scoring | N, 4 | "25" | |
SCO_CATEGORY | Scoring category | AN, 1: [R]ed, [O]range, [G]reen | "G" | |
SHIP | Delivery costs | AN, 10 | "0.00" | |
STATUS | File status | AN, 20 (processed, loaded, etc.) | "processed" | |
STATUS | Status | N, 5 | "9" | |
STOPOV | Stopover | AN, 1 ("Travel" only details) | "NO" | |
STRUCT | Structured communication | AN, 12 | "000000000101" | |
TAX | Taxes | AN, 15 | "0.00" | |
TICKET | Virtual Ticket |
AN, 255 Max 50 ch in fixed strucure, up to 255 in dynamic structure (xml & csv) |
"18/03/04 12:08 - VISA 4111XXXXXXXXXXXX Successful" | |
TIDATE | Ticket date | AN, 8 ("Travel" only details) | "16/03/04" | |
TINUM | Ticket number | AN, 16 ("Travel" only details) | "0822150542247" | |
TOTAL | Amount | N, 15 | "10.89" | |
TRANSACTION | Transaction code | AN, 3 (ATR, MTR etc.) | "ATR" | |
TYPCH | Type of charge | AN, 2 ("Travel" only details) | "A" | |
UID | UID | AN, 12 | "16574444" | |
UNITNETPRICE | Item price (excl. VAT) | AN, 15 (CPC/MAS only details) | "10.01" | |
USERID | User | AN, 20 | "FDB" | |
VATAPPL | VAT applicability | AN, 1 | "Y" | |
VC | Virtual Card type | AN, 3 (NO, ICN, ECB, etc.) | "NO" |
In your ePDQ account menu, you can easily lookup your transactions by choosing "Operations" and then clicking either "View transactions" or "Financial history", depending on the type of transaction results you're looking for.
Go to Consult your transactions for more information.
By default you can send goods or deliver your service once a transaction has reached the status "9 - Payment requested". However, although status 5 is a successful status, it's only a temporary reservation of an amount of money on the customer's card. A transaction in status 5 still needs to be confirmed (manually or automatically) to proceed to the status 9, which is the final successful status for most payment methods.
Go to Transaction statuses for more information.
You can easily refund a payment with the "Refund" button in the order overview of a transaction (via View transactions). If your account supports it, you can also make refunds with a DirectLink request or with a Batch file upload (for multiple transactions).
Please note that the Refunds option has to be enabled in your account.
Go to Maintain your transactions for more information.
A full green thumbs-up icon means that the transaction was completed with a 3-D Secure authentication method, such as Digipass or a card reader. However, it doesn't necessarily mean the payment itself was processed successfully. Therefore, you should always check the transaction status to know whether you'll receive your money.
Go to Transaction statuses for more information.
If you want to check specific details of an order/transaction or perform maintenance on transactions, you should use View transactions. "Financial history" is the most convenient to periodically check incoming and outgoing funds.
For more information, go to View transactions vs Financial history.
You can only perform refunds on transactions for which the funds have already been transferred to your bank account. A cancellation or deletion can be done before a payment has been fully processed, i.e. before the daily cut-off time at the acquirer, at which point all transactions of the previous day are processed.