The Multi-Selection Maintenance option provides you with an easy way to perform maintenance operations for several transactions simultaneously in your ePDQ account.

Multi-Selection Maintenance is available in the “View transactions” results page.

You can use Multi-Selection Maintenance only for:

  • transactions in the Live database, not for archived transactions;
  • final maintenance operations (full captures, refunds etc.), not for partial operations.

1. Operations on authorisations

Two operations on authorizations are accessible through Multi Selection Maintenance:

2. Performing maintenance operations

  1. Click on the "View transactions" link in your account menu to select the transactions on which you wish to perform maintenance operations.
  2. On the "View transactions" result page, select the maintenance operations you wish to perform for the different transactions, either one-by-one or by using the “Select all” box (please note that this feature will not work if JavaScript is disabled).
  3. Click the “Process selection” button at the bottom of the transaction list.

We process the maintenance transactions offline, i.e. import the maintenance transactions into our database and send them later to the acquirers/banks. The result of the transaction import into our database is shown on the result page.

On the result page, you will see the following additional information:

  • The number of maintenance transactions per operation and the number of ‘accepted’ maintenance transactions (accepted for processing by our system, not the financial result!). The ‘accepted’ maintenance transactions will be highlighted in green in the transaction list.
  • Maintenance transactions which our system did not process due to validation errors. These maintenance transactions will be highlighted in red and will not be processed. If you still want to process these maintenance transactions, you will need to resolve the listed issues/errors for the transactions and retry the operation.
  • Several time indicators, such as the elapsed time, remaining time and the total processing time.


In your ePDQ account menu, you can easily lookup your transactions by choosing "Operations" and then clicking either "View transactions" or "Financial history", depending on the type of transaction results you're looking for.

Go to Consult your transactions for more information.

By default you can send goods or deliver your service once a transaction has reached the status "9 - Payment requested". However, although status 5 is a successful status, it's only a temporary reservation of an amount of money on the customer's card. A transaction in status 5 still needs to be confirmed (manually or automatically) to proceed to the status 9, which is the final successful status for most payment methods.

Go to Transaction statuses for more information.

You can easily refund a payment with the "Refund" button in the order overview of a transaction (via View transactions). If your account supports it, you can also make refunds with a DirectLink request or with a Batch file upload (for multiple transactions).

Please note that the Refunds option has to be enabled in your account.

Go to Maintain your transactions for more information.

A full green thumbs-up icon means that the transaction was completed with a 3-D Secure authentication method, such as Digipass or a card reader. However, it doesn't necessarily mean the payment itself was processed successfully. Therefore, you should always check the transaction status to know whether you'll receive your money.

Go to Transaction statuses for more information.

If you want to check specific details of an order/transaction or perform maintenance on transactions, you should use View transactions. "Financial history" is the most convenient to periodically check incoming and outgoing funds.

For more information, go to View transactions vs Financial history.

You can only perform refunds on transactions for which the funds have already been transferred to your bank account. A cancellation or deletion can be done before a payment has been fully processed, i.e. before the daily cut-off time at the acquirer, at which point all transactions of the previous day are processed.

There are different reasons why you can't refund a transaction. You need to consider the following (with the condition that the Refund option is enabled in your account):

  • The transaction is in an "incomplete" status, such as a pending or erroneous status (9192 etc.) that doesn't allow the refund operation.
  • If the transaction is authorised (status 5), at which point no payment has been made yet. In this case you have to cancel the authorisation instead of refund.
  • The used payment method doesn't support the refund functionality, which can be the case with certain debit cards, web banking methods and "offline" payment methods such as Bank transfer.